I’ve been seeing a lot of ads lately that advertise weight loss by balancing your hormones. Now, this isn’t the first time I’ve thought about balancing my hormones. The big question is – how is balancing your hormones done naturally? I don’t want to take any medication. I agree that a proper diet and exercise will help naturally balance hormones. I wonder if there is something else that can be done?

Frequency and resonance therapy, or sound wave therapy, is not new. There are records of Nikola Tesla experimenting with frequency therapy. Frequency therapy is already used in some medical practices like red light therapy for nerve damage and ultrasonic therapy for breaking down kidney stones. I’ve also read some articles about frequency therapy being used in cancer treatments.

When my husband told me about a device that can be worn on your wrist like a watch and provide at-home frequency therapy, I was very interested. I picked one up and have been using it for several weeks. I am amazed at how well it works and its functionality. It’s called a WavWatch. It has over 850 different frequencies that can affect a whole bunch of things like hormone balance, menstrual cramps, organ functionality, circulation, mood, anxiety, appetite, muscle soreness, and the list goes on!

How do I know it works? I can feel and see a difference. The pathogens file has impressed me the most. While playing the pathogen file the first time I started to feel sick, which is a common side effect of pathogen die off. However, after playing the file I felt amazing! I slept well, my energy was up, I was happier, I just felt really good! The second time I ran the pathogen file, I did not get nearly as sick. I also really like to run the detox file and the women’s hormone balance file. Since I have been using this, I feel amazing!

If you’re interested in getting one for yourself or finding out more information, you can find them HERE and use the code ERIC100 to get $100 off!

Thanks for reading!

With love,

Jessika Snow

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Written by Jessika Snow