Positive mindset means thinking about things in a positive way and believing a situation will end well. Positive thinking can change your whole life. The freedom you can feel by just letting go and accepting and believing that it will work out and be ok is amazing. As a person who used to worry about everything, I highly recommend striving for a more positive mindset!


Having a positive mindset often takes time and practice. Start by just looking for something good. No matter the situation, find something good. I usually get started by finding one thing I am grateful for. Maybe the sun is shining today, or maybe it rained or is raining. Both situations are different, almost opposites, but both have positives. The sun gives us warmth, while the rain filters the air and cleans the earth. We need both and no matter which we have at the moment it’s a good thing. The more you look for the good in things, the easier having a positive mindset will become, and soon positive thinking will be a part of you. This type of self mastery is one of the greatest personal growths a person can accomplish.


Now I realize not every situation will have the absolute best possible outcome, however we will be a lot less stressed not worrying about the negatives and what ifs. We will not get bogged down and stuck in our thoughts. We will be able to continue to accomplish all the things we usually attend to in our busy lives. Having a positive mindset can and often gives our lives more stability. 


There are no rules to having a positive mindset. We are all different and our positives of a single situation will most likely be different. I encourage everyone to think of at least one thing they are grateful for every day. Even small steps add up and make a difference.


Thanks for reading!

With love,

Jessika Snow

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Written by Jessika Snow