I needed something that would help me teach my kids economics and government, and I was not happy with anything I was finding, until I found these books a few years ago. There are 12 books in the children’s book series.

My kids and I sit down and read them out loud together because they lead to so many great conversations. They are entertaining and engaging. They take complex topics and explain them very well using stories that are relatable to younger kids. The books are so simple to understand, my kids get it and remember it. I’ve even been able to understand things better after reading these books. 

Our favorite book in this series so far is Education Vacation. My kids have never questioned or complained about homeschooling, they love it, and this book resonated with us on so many levels. So much is learned by doing real life. More can be learned by going and visiting a historic place than just reading about it, and it will definitely be more memorable! We have been able to do so many cool things, go places, and see things because we homeschool. It’s amazing how many opportunities are around us. Like I tell almost everyone that questions our decision to homeschool, “just because we homeschool does not mean we stay at home!”

Talk of inflation is all over the place and has been heavily this the whole year. My kids asked what inflation was and I know I didn’t do a great job explaining it, so I pulled out The Creature From Jekyll Island and we read it. My kids understood it and were even able to explain inflation to their friends! I love that these books teach the truth in ways that my kids understand so well that they can turn around and teach it to someone else. I feel that these books are essential in our homeschool library.

Thanks for reading!

With love,

Jessika Snow

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Written by Jessika Snow